August 2, 2009

Six days and counting!

Hi All, only six more days and Nick and I will be off on our summer road trip. Come Saturday morning 4am we will be off for our first stop in Charleston! As of now our road trip includes Charleston, New Orleans, Austin, camping in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Denver, St. Louis, Chicago and last but certainly not least good ol' Pittsburgh. I probably won't post anything until Friday but if anyone has any suggestions for us to visit PLEASE let me know. It doesn't matter what it is (restaurant, bar, shop) we're looking for anything. Hotels for a few places have been booked. Until then.....


  1. Hey Lauren! Debbie just told me about your blog - this is great! I told her the other day of a few spots in New Orleans you all should go. Cafe Brazil usually has great live music - your hotel will know about it. And you all definitely have to go to Port of Call - it's on Esplanade - they have unbelievable burgers, the best bloody marys ever and hurricanes. Also - there's this place down by Cafe du Monde, called the Market Grocery - I think? If it's open - they're supposed to have the best Cuban sandwiches. In Austin - get some of that Amy's Ice Cream - super good and there's a ton of live music there. Cheers to you and Nick having an incredible time! MC

  2. YAY Pittsburgh...when do you think you will get there? I might be visiting and you could stay with me!
    Have Fun,
