August 10, 2009

I Love This Crazy Place

First night in the Big Easy was awesome! The majority of the night was spent going in and out of bars on Bourbon St. Any ordinary tourist, like me, would never have guessed it was a Sunday night. I can't imagine what it's like here during Mardi Gras. Our favorite bars so far are Tropical Isle and Beer Fest. If you're ever in Beer Fest ask for Holly...the sweetest bartender in Louisiana. She informed us of the must-see spots in New Orleans. I also managed to taste my first Hurricane....and a "Hand Grenade" (or two). Nick woke me up at 7am so we're getting an early (and obscene) start to our day. Cheers from the N.O.!


  1. Lauren--thanks for putting everything up on the blog! Now I can see everything that you are doing and not have to be a pesky mother and keep calling Nick! It looks like you all are having fun! Not easily done after 12 long hours in the car! Hope today is fun!

  2. Heyyyyyyyyyy ... so this is the second time im typing this post the first attempt didnt work. this blogging thing is so cool when did i become so stupid when it comes to technology. i hate that my 15 year old brother can figure this stuff out faster then me. It seems like you guys are having so much fun. i love that you can post pictures to! Your not missing out on anything in fairfax. im at my first day of work and what do you know im spending it by typing to you two. keep posting pictures. Miss ya so much!!!!! taylor
